How to Create an At-Home Rest Retreat


The space between the hectic months of summer and the slower months of Autumn present the perfect opportunity for a bit of a reset, and creating a DIY rest retreat is a simple way to give yourself a a breather. Here are a few ideas on how to build one.

Start by blocking off a weekend for the retreat. If you can’t manage a full weekend, then do a day or even a half day. Write it in your calendar and, most importantly, treat it like an appointment. This is time just for you, and one important element of self-care is knowing how to create healthy boundaries, whether it’s with others, your time, or your attention. If possible, let people know that you’ll be unavailable during the time of your retreat.

Then sit down with a piece of paper and figure out how you want to spend your time. Brainstorm and make lists. What makes you feel rested and restored? What nourishing elements can you incorporate? The answer will vary widely for everyone, but some ideas might be: reading, journaling, crafting, going for long walks, an at home spa day, ordering from your favorite restaurant or simply napping.

Once you have your activities planned, make a list of supplies that you’ll need. Also think about what items will add another layer of comfort to the experience. Consider adding small items that will make your home feel extra cozy and relaxing, like candles, a favorite tea, or even flowers. The night before, try to tidy your space so that you wake up to a calm and soothing environment. And during the retreat, make sure to establish healthy boundaries with things like email and social media. You might even consider turning on your phone’s Do Not Disturb function for a period of time.

While this may seem like a lot of work, after you do it once you’ll be a pro and planning subsequent retreats will be much easier. I recommend using these mini retreats whenever you’re feeling overextended or in need of a break. I can’t tell you how restorative and indulgent it feels to spend a few days or even a few hours doing exactly what you want to do with no obligations or feelings of guilt. Just sit back and enjoy the experience you created for yourself! You deserve it!

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hi there, I’m angi the founder of roam & gather. My mission is to curate joy-centered, small group journeys that are relaxed, intimate, and rooted in culture, community and slowness.

Roam & Gather is a small travel company offering soul-nourishing, curated travel experiences that help connect people with global communities, like-minded travelers and themselves.

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